New Release. Safe harbour- the eagerly awaited gripping conclusion to the Reynolds seafaring saga is out now. I have spent the summer editing and putting the final touches to the last in the series featuring Gabriel and Eleanor. I felt quite sad to let them go until I realised I don't have to say goodbye just au revoir. That's because I have written two or three short stories featuring the couple. Two of these stories I have given away with my newsletters and I may write more when I get the time. I love them so much I can't just let them ride off into a Northumberland sunset just yet. Besides all the the promotional work I've been doing I've also been penning another historical. This one is very different and is set in the regency period. It's a work in progress but I'm enjoying writing it as it's very different to anything I've written before. As always I've been reading a lot. I just read Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brody series. There are f...