When I was teaching I always knew what day it was. Now that I have given up teaching to write I find it more difficult on waking to work out whether it is a week day or a weekend; everyday is a writing day but every day is different. I have always been a lark – I like to be up early and make a start on my ‘to do’ list which I will have inevitably made the day before. I find I work better in the morning and begin to falter as the day progresses. The first thing I do in the morning is let Scout, my Patterdale Terrier, out into the garden while I get his breakfast. After my first coffee I check social media and perhaps post something to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or all three. Then I check my emails. Prior to the book launch there were heaps of them all needing attention. I will usually reply straight away to the simple ones, while the others I add to my ‘to do’ list in order of urgency. After breakfast I take the doglet for his first walk. I am lucky to live in a pretty Yo...